Livestock and Processed Meat Products
- Polk's Garlic & Green Onion Smoked Sausage, 1 lb.
- Polk's Original Sausage Dog, 5/1
- Polk's Original Smoked Sausage, 1 lb
- Polk's Premium Beef Franks, 5/1
- Polk's Premium Hearty Morning Rope Sausage, 1 lb.
- Polk's Sliced Ham For Biscuits
- Polk's Southern Choice Sausage Dog, 5/1
- Pork and Pineapple Sausage
- Pork Roast
- Pork Sausage Links
- Pork Sausages
- Prime Rib
- Red Rose Smoked Sausage, 2 lb. VP
- Ribeye Steaks
- Ribeye, Grass-Fed Beef
- Rump Roast, Grass-Fed Beef
- Short Ribs
- Short Ribs
- Shoulder Roast
- Sirloin Strip, Grass-Fed Beef
If you would like to be listed and showcase your products in the Mississippi-Made Catalog, contact:
Debbie Miller