Room and Wall Decor, Picture Frames
- 3's Company
- Anniversary Cross, Personalized
- Aquamarine Series Glass Bowl
- Art Jar 1
- Art Jar II
- Barn Door, Custom-made
- Bottle Vase
- Candle Lantern
- Catfish Bowl
- Chapel of the Cross sculpture
- Daddy's Girl Photo Frame, Personalized
- Door Hanging Ornament
- Dragon Plate, Sir Linus Blue Horn, Ceramic
- Flower Pillow, Blue Ceramic
- Flower Pillow, Ceramic
- Footed Ceramic Bowl
- Frank the Coffee Troll
- Holiday Door Tag Hanger
- Light Green Hanging Plate
- Little Mushroom Man 13, Ceramic
If you would like to be listed and showcase your products in the Mississippi-Made Catalog, contact:
Debbie Miller